Fishing Pond

Shays Farm fishing pool is set in a beautiful location near to the campsite, surrounded by greenery and woodlands.

Fishing Pond

Shays Farm fishing pond is set in a beautiful location near to the campsite, surrounded by greenery and woodlands. The fishing pond was a former fresh water reservoir that supplied the local area with clean water.

The pond now contains Carp, Tench, Perch and other breeds of fish all of various sizes. Fishing is included in our prices for residents using the campsite.

In order to protect your safety and the safety of other residents whilst preserving the natural beauty of the pool we have the following rules for people wishing to fish.

      • Open from dawn till dusk.
      • Anyone fishing is responsible for having a valid licence
      • Fishing licences not available on site
      • All fish must be returned to the lake
      • Barbless hooks to be used at all times
      • No braided lines
      • Maximum of two rods per person
      • Rods and equipment must not be left unattended
      • No Radios to be played around the pond
      • No dogs allowed around the pond at anytime
      • Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
      • No swimming in the ponds
      • No stoves or cooking around the pond
      • All rubbish must be disposed of in bins supplied